Tiny House Kitchen
Kitchens can be complicated in small homes, but thanks to some ingenious space saving gadgets you can get a lot of functionality out of a very small space.
Tiny House Bedroom
Whether you’ve got a bedroom or a sleeping loft in your tiny house, here are a few items to think about maximising your use of space.
Tiny House Office
Especially now, more people are working from home than ever before. So it’s great to think about setting up a small office space in your tiny house.
Tiny House Wardrobe
Having enough space for all your clothes is essential. Here are a few items that might help you to keep your wardrobe / closet organised.
Tiny House Bathroom
Bathrooms in tiny houses are often short on space, so make the space you do have count with these clever items!
Tiny House Laundry
Unfortunately, living in a tiny house doesn’t mean you escape doing the laundry. While many tiny house owners choose to use laundromats, it’s still important to be able to do some washing from home.
Zero Living Waste
Many people who live in tiny houses do so for environmental reasons. Moving towards a zero waste lifestyle is a great way of reducing your environment footprint!
Miscellaneous Tiny House Must Haves
From basic cleaning essentials, to growing herbs on your kitchen counter, here are a few items that are great to own for tiny homes!