Leaving The City To Live Off-Grid In A Peaceful Tiny Home Cabin
In this episode we meet Ben, a man who has left the city to live life on his own terms; off-the-grid and free in a spectacular tiny home cabin. Now situated on an incredible property by the ocean and surrounded by space and fresh air, his peaceful tiny home is a far cry from the hustle and bustle that he left behind.
The construction of his cabin home is quite unique. Ben has built two seperate buildings that both join together to function as one. The first contains his living room, office and kitchen, while the other has his bedroom and bathroom. The resulting home is spacious, comfortable and also provides wonderful indoor / outdoor living, capitalising on the stunning views surrounding the home.
This place is totally off-the-grid, with abundant rain water collection and an extremely capable solar system that also enables him to charge up an electric car. So in addition to leaving the city life, he has also been able to say goodbye to his petrol bills.
Here, Ben lives simply. He admits that he is still adjusting to rural, off-the-grid living, but overall is enjoying his newfound freedom and the beautiful simplicity of downsized living. We hope you enjoy the tour of his exceptional off-grid home.